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Access control/Clearance monitors

RCVL Vehicle Portal Monitor

Radiation Portal Monitor - Radiological Control of Vehicle Load

Our RCVL Radiation  Portal Monitor has been specially developped for the detection of potential radiactive sources in the loads of vehicles entering or leaving your site.

Our Radiation Portal Monitor operates automatically and the vehicles don't need to be stopped (dynamic control). Its simplicity of use does not require any external intervention. With its very high-sensitivity plastic scintillation detectors, our system warns your operating agent only in case of alarm or failure.


Radiation type
X and Gamma
Detector type
High-sensitivity plastic scintillator
Detector volume
From 2,5 to 25 liters
Response time
<1 second
Sound and visual
locally on the processing unit or the supervision software
Background compensation
Remote maintenance

technisches Datenblatt :

pdf Datasheet RCVL [15/11/2012 18:26] 238 Ko.
Kontakt Saphymo